
Hey there! My name is Xander Banks. I've been living the digial nomad lifestyle for over seven years, having amazing advedtures and enjoying life on this beautiful planet. You can do it too - and I'm going to show you how.

How It All Began

I Was There...

My hero’s journey started in a big accounting firm. I never really enjoyed accounting, but my dad was an accountant, and his father before him, so it seemed like the right path to take, plus, I really didn’t want to disappoint him.

So after college, I joined a big company and got used to my 9-5. But I always kept thinking about doing other things, seeing new places… And there I was, wasting the best years of my life in the most cliche gray cubicle you can imagine. The worst part about it was I had a great team to work with. Everyone got along and my manager always made sure everyone had what they needed.

 But no matter how hard I tried, corporate life just wasn’t for me.

I wanted to focus on photography and to experience different places and cultures. Every day felt like I was living someone else’s life and not my own.

A Call To Adventure

After a few years of this, I took a vacation in Thailand. When the time came to return to my city, to my job, to my cubicle I just… Didn’t. I didn’t want to leave this beautiful place yet, or ever. I took an unpaid leave of absence, called a friend to take care of my apartment and continued my vacation in this magical island.

I traveled south, started to write about the people I’ve met, the places I’ve seen. After a while, I decided I don’t need to come back anywhere. Home is where I am and I don’t have to be a 9-5 guy to survive.

My journey has begun and it will never end as long as I am able to travel the world.

One moment can change a day, one day can change a life and one life can change the world.

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